Impact Foundation


The vision of Impact Foundation is to
• Provide youth and young adults with opportunities to explore their God-given artistic talents
• Develop both character and talent simultaneously in an environment that encourages personal growth

Impact Foundation's purpose is to impact the youth of the world through a new, positive lifestyle and culture.

Impact Foundation's primary objectives are to develop, mentor, disciple, educate and equip future leaders through the application of a positive lifestyle.

Students who are involved in our program are fostered in three ways:
Artistically: The foundation creates an innovative artistic culture that enables them to grow and lead their generation through art.
Creatively: The foundation acts as a focal point for youth, filtering out the enormous amount of negative creativity in the entertainment industry and infusing a new positive creative lifestyle.
Inspiring & Modeling: The foundation helps youth focus on morals and values, and shows them benefits in healthy, positive living.

Impact Foundation works cooperatively with other non-profit organizations with mutual purpose to accomplish our objectives.